Friday, June 6, 2008


Im leaving to LA today. Im kinda lazy cause its such along drive and I be getting bored and stuff. Its just gonna be me and Andres in the car so its gonna be akaward. Laast time we went to LA it was hella fun. We all went to Universal Studios. That was around the time that Andres got along with my whole family and my sister was still with her dude. It was fun though. This time its just me and him. Its kinda funny cause we're only going for a sweet 15. My mom keeps telling me that we should have left for more days so that we could other things but he has to come back to work and I have my exhibition night on Monday and my graduation on Tuesday. So we gotta come back Sunday night, for sure. So yea, Im exited to get there but I the drive over is gonna be hard. But we taking his Escalade so I'll have more than enough room to go to the back and lay down.
I'll be gone for a while so see you all on Monday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahahahaz =]=]=]

-lil Jon John